Louisiana FCU Financial Articles

Is it time to buy an electric car?

Written by Garick Giroir | September 06, 2022



The pros of owning an electric car 

You'll save money on gas.

拥有一辆电动汽车最明显和突出的优势是节省燃料成本. 开一辆用电力而不是汽油驱动的汽车意味着在你的预算中节省了一大笔开支, month after month. 当然,汽油的成本越高,你节省的就越多. 现在,由于大多数司机在加油时感到痛苦,电动汽车比以往任何时候都更受欢迎. 另一个需要考虑的预算好处是,电力成本往往比汽油价格稳定得多.

It's better for the environment.

驾驶电动汽车的另一个众所周知的优点是环境效益. 更低的燃料排放意味着更小的环境碳足迹, which is always a good thing.

Increased efficiency.

然而,电动汽车的另一个优势是其优越的效率. 电动汽车可以将77%以上的电能转化为车轮的动力. In contrast, 汽油动力汽车只能将油箱中储存的12-30%的燃料转化为驱动动力.

The cons of owning an electric car 


You'll have to wait for it.

随着汽油价格的上涨,对电动汽车的需求也在增加. According to Electrifying.com, estimated waiting times for new electric cars 2022年可能跨越五个月到两年.

You'll need to change its batteries.

值得注意的是,每辆电动汽车的电池都可能需要更换. 联邦法规要求汽车制造商为汽车电池提供至少8年或100年的保修,000 miles, whichever comes first. Some automakers also cover battery degradation, 哪一种情况下,充满电的电池续航里程比预期要少. However, if the battery dies after the warranty expires, the cost of replacing it, which can run from $5,000 and $16,000, will need to be covered by the owner. The good news is that, as EVs become increasingly more popular, 它们的制造成本也在降低,零部件的价格也在下降. In addition, 汽车制造商正在努力生产电池续航时间比大多数司机拥有汽车的时间更长的电动汽车.

You'll have to charge it.

拥有电动汽车的另一个缺点是,在你需要充电之前,你可以驾驶的英里数有限. 充满电后可以行驶的里程数, also known as the vehicle’s range, will vary with each car. Most EVs will average 250 miles of range. 虽然这将覆盖大多数人的日常通勤,但在电动汽车上旅行需要一些计划. Luckily, as electric cars become more commonplace, 在主要高速公路上寻找充电站正变得不成问题. However, if you plan to take many road trips with your EV, 你可能想买一辆能够快速充电的车,这样你就不必在旅途中每隔几百英里就在充电站呆上几个小时.



If you're not ready to go all in on electric...  

Consider buying a plug-in hybrid vehicle. Hybrids offer the best of both worlds, teaming an electric motor with a gasoline engine, 当你需要充电站的时候,不用担心找不到充电站.



  • 2022 Hyundai Ioniq • $23,600
  • 2022 Toyota Corolla Hybrid • $23,750
  • 2022 Hyundai Elantra Hybrid • $24,100
  • 2022 Honda Accord Hybrid • $27,685
  • 2022 Toyota Camry Hybrid • $27,980



  • 2022 Ford Maverick Hybrid • $21,490
  • 2022 Toyota Tundra iForce Max • $52,300
  • 2022 Ford F-150 Powerboost Hybrid • $80,000


Midsize SUVs

  • 2022 Toyota RAV4 Hybrid • $32,260
  • 2022 Hyundai Tucson Hybrid SEL • $33,645
  • 2022 Ford Escape SE Hybrid FWD • $31,680
  • 2022 Honda CR-V Hybrid Touring AWD • $39,045

Other facts about electric vehicles 

You can charge your electric vehicle at home.

Yes, you can charge your EV at home. 晚上插上电源,第二天早上就可以用了. How’s that for convenience?

However, before ordering a Tesla, 值得注意的是,标准的110伏墙壁插座(一级充电)相对较慢, 每小时增加大约4英里的航程. 如果你耗尽了250英里的续航里程,可能需要几天的时间才能给你的车充满电. If you’ll be charging your car outside, 确保您的充电线是为户外使用而设计的.

大多数电动汽车车主会雇佣一名电工在他们的车库里安装一个240伏的插座. 这允许二级充电,每充电一小时可以增加25英里的续航里程. 一定要得到一个可靠的报价,以了解这种工作的成本.

How much it costs to charge an EV.

电虽然比煤气便宜得多,但也不是免费的. 在家里给电动汽车充电通常比在公共充电站充电便宜——除非, of course, 你会找到一个罕见的免费公共充电站. In addition, charging your EV overnight, 或者在周末充电比在高峰时段充电要便宜, such as weekday afternoons and evenings. 你可能想联系一下你的公用事业公司,了解一下给你的车充电到底要花多少钱. 一些公司为电动汽车车主提供特殊计划,所以一定要咨询一下.

Maintaining your electric vehicle.

拥有电动汽车的一大好处是维护成本更低. 电动机的活动部件比汽油发动机少. 这使得电动汽车比燃油汽车更容易维护. In addition, many car parts, 哪一个一般需要更换一段时间后像火花塞, filters and oil – are irrelevant to EVs. 这意味着更少的机械师之旅和更低的维护成本.

What does a full electric vehicle cost?

电动汽车的所有便利和长期节省都是以高昂的价格为代价的, 而且大多数电动汽车的启动成本都高于汽油动力汽车. Of course, there’s a large range, starting with the Nissan Leaf at just $27,400美元,一直到58美元的特斯拉Model 3,990.

幸运的是,购买电动汽车有许多政府资助的激励措施. These incentives are offered on the federal, state and local government levels, 所以在完成购买之前一定要看看有什么可用的. It’s important to note, though, 这些激励措施并不是对每一个买家和每一种电动汽车都开放. For example, the most well-known incentive, the Federal Qualified PEV Tax Credit, which offers up to $7,500 off the MSRP of qualified EVs, is only available for the first 100,汽车制造商将获得1000辆电动汽车,并且不再可以购买任何特斯拉.


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